How we came to Canada from Brazil?

I want to start from the beginning, I promise, I won’t be long.

In 2014, I saw on a newspaper, “Do you want to Immigrate to Canada?”. That announce caught my attention and here we are! Of course, it wasn’t as simple as we imagined, but it came true.

This is how it happened:

  • Met an immigration consultant
  • Studied French for two years
  • My husband obtained a diploma
  • Visited Montreal
  • Got B2 from TCFq
  • Translated our documents
  • Pregnancy (first kid)
  • Documents evaluated from MIDI (MIFI)
  • Documents sent to IRCC (federal process)
  • (Pandemic)
  • Pregnancy (second kid)
  • Sent more documents to IRCC
  • Medical check
  • Got our visa approved
  • Ready to go!

It used to take 2 years for getting a permanent visa before pandemic. As you can see, we had kids and pandemic.

So, it took 8 years to accomplish our goal. The most important? We did it! I wish the best to you, never give up and the force will be with you!